Common Driving Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Driving can be an enjoyable and convenient way to get around, but it also carries risks. Knowing about common driving mistakes and how to avoid them can help keep you and other drivers safe on the road.


A speedometer over 80

Speeding is one of the most common driving mistakes, as it increases the risk of a crash or collision. Drivers should always follow posted speed limits and adjust their speed if their visibility is reduced due to inclement weather or fog. If a driver is not familiar with a road, they should drive slower to allow for more time to react to unexpected obstacles.

Distracted Driving

Person using the phone while driving

Distracted driving is a serious issue in today’s world. Anything that takes a driver’s attention away from driving should be avoided, like using a phone, eating, drinking, or trying to find something in the vehicle. Drivers should keep their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel at all times.

Failure to Yield

not yeilding

Failure to yield is another common driving mistake. Drivers should not enter an intersection or change lanes unless it is safe to do so. If a driver does not have the right of way, they should wait for an opening or signal for the other driver to yield.

Failing to Signal

vehicles at an intersection

When changing lanes or turning, drivers should always use their turn signals to let other drivers know their intention. Failing to signal can lead to confusion and potential collisions. Drivers should also check their mirrors before changing lanes and ensure there are no other vehicles in the blind spot.

Following Too Closely

traffic jam

Following too closely, or tailgating, is a dangerous driving mistake. Drivers should maintain a safe distance between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them, allowing ample time and space to stop if necessary.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence

Driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs is a serious mistake, and one with potentially devastating consequences. Drivers should never get behind the wheel if they are impaired in any way, and should arrange for alternative transportation if they are not in a condition to drive.

By avoiding these common driving mistakes, drivers can help to ensure the safety of themselves and other drivers on the road.

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